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Start it up Sunday: Five ways to start your week

March 7, 2011

  • Come up with one solid thing you want to do this week that aligns with your inner bling. For me it’s writing 4,000 words. What’s your specific goal?
  • Go for a walk in the most beautiful part of your town. Feast your eyes. Slim your waistline.
  • Get more spice in your life. My suggestions are turmeric and cinnamon because they are good for you.
  • Step in when you see someone being bullied. “Dateline” just aired a hidden camera show that followed kids to see if they would step up to the plate if they saw someone being bullied. Would you fare as well as they did?
  • Go window shopping in your favorite neighborhood.  Keep your money in your pocket. Incorporate something you see in your swagga this week.

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